Free For All

So, I want to talk about freedom for a little bit. Well, type…not talk. But, I’m going to just get to the point. You are not free for you; you are free for others. “Others” includes our Creator.

Why do you think we were created? We were created to worship God. THAT is the mystery behind our creation. So, God provides us with freedom, why? That is what I want to talk about. Two answers:

You are free for God

When you are bound by sin, there is a separation from God. Now, I want to be careful because God is always with us. I don’t mean that He disappears and stops loving you. Even when you are completely rejecting Him, He still loves you. That is grace. But, when we live in sin we push Him away. We ignore His voice. We don’t press into His presence. There is a separation. When we choose to accept freedom, we can then enter into His presence completely free from the chains that once bound us.

There is a term I like and that is bondservant. Back in the day there were actually people who were slaves that, when provided freedom, would continue to commit their lives to those that “owned” them. But, the relationship shifted. They went from SLAVE to being a part of the FAMILY. They, at that point, committed their lives to their “master” as a form of service and just being a part of that community. THAT is what we are. We are given freedom and then become bondservants to our Master.

1 Corinthians 7:22-24 
"For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ. You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men. So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God."

Remain with God. If you are free, then use that freedom to chase after God. Only a life lived in His Spirit is truly free. So, as you find freedom, know that He is with you and that you are in Him. Remain in Him and live life as a bondservant to Christ.

Only a life lived in the Spirit is truly free

You are free for one another

Galatians 5:13
"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."

So, you can’t just sit in the corner and hold onto your freedom like some type of badge, a trophy that you acquired and will not let anyone get their hands on. You were freed to turn around and help others find freedom. You are blessed so you can turn around and bless others. The Spirit that overflows in you is not to be hoarded, rather shared with the lives around you. Do you see my point? You have freedom in order to bring freedom. So, don’t take that freedom and just sit in the corner with it. Really, if you think about it, that isn’t freedom anyway.

As bondservants, you will join in with your brothers and sisters and liberate the lost. Be renegades to the kingdom of hell and darkness, warriors that fight against the hate and chaos in this world. Instead of keeping your “trophy” to yourself, take it and brag about how God freed you and how He will do the same for those that follow Him. It is a message of repentance and freedom…the Gospel.

So, take that freedom and flaunt it. Boast about what God has done in your life. Grab the hands of those sinking in the quicksand and help them out, empowering them by the Spirit in your life. Again, that freedom isn’t to be stockpiled. It’s to be shared and given away. So, how are you sharing that freedom? Are you truly a bondservant? Or, at the first light of freedom, do you climb right back into the cage? True freedom is only found by living in the Spirit. Once there, you will want to bring as many people into that place as possible. That is what we are called to do.

How has God freed you?
What place has God brought you out of?

Brag about it. Shout it from the rooftops! Live life LOUDLY praising God and unapologetically sharing the Gospel with as many people as you can. That is what your freedom is truly for.

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