Take Me Deeper

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Oceans by Hillsong Music

This song has such a pretty melody. I have said it before while leading worship; that I hope we don’t get caught up in pretty melodies that we lose the meaning of what we are singing. This is one of those songs that has a very pretty, light melody but a very heavy meaning. To truly step out into the deeper waters willingly is no easy task. And, even further, it is one most Christians avoid. To trust without borders? So many people will trust while keeping walls up. Even, and especially, in our walk with God. But, to truly take on the mentality of Peter who stepped out into the waters without question; that is the end game when it comes to trust. That is the goal. To truly give God your yes and amen before He evens asks anything of you. But, if feels good to sing these words. To sing them with the pretty melody and then go home full of fear and stress because of the “deep end” you are facing.

Psalm 9:10
"And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord , have not forsaken those who seek you."

It’s one thing to know OF God. Satan and His army know God exists. So, to simply know God exists is not true belief. But, to know God’s Name. To know the power of our God and let that BELIEF produce a life of worship and devotion; that is true belief. That is knowing God. That is what I think of when I ready Psalm 9:10. I think it comes down to if we truly understand the nature and power of our God then trusting Him is easy. Trusting Him is the easy part. What, I feel, is the challenge is allowing ourselves to truly buy in to who God is and believe it. As Christians we know the stories. We know the miracles and read them in our bible. But, to truly know them as events that truly did happened and seeing how they show the beauty that is our God is another thing. To know that the Word of God is more than just stories but the LIVING and ACTIVE Word of God. Trust is only hard because we don’t really believe in God the way we say we do. If we did, then we would jump out in the deep end…no questions asked.

I am not pointing my finger when I am saying this. This is something I struggle with in my own walk. It’s a question I have asked myself. Do I REALLY believe to the point of throwing caution to the wind? Wind being my reputation, money, time, hobbies, etc. Am I truly willing to step out into the deep end at the potential cost of losing so much of my worldly gain. At the cost of giving up time on things that “matter” to me. Notice the word matter is in parentheses because most things that matter to us don’t matter; seen through the lens of eternity. At the cost of looking like an idiot or crazy. At the cost of losing friends. At the cost of losing a job. At the cost of making myself very uncomfortable. So, I ask the question:

Are you at a place where you can truly pray this prayer: “Spirit lead me”. Are you at a place where you will follow wherever He leads? Are you at a place where you can say YES to God before He even asks. Or, does that depend on what He is asking? Because let me tell you….it shouldn’t depend on what he is asking.

Matthew 19:16-22 show Jesus telling a wealthy man to sell everything. The man left sorrowful because He was not willing to give Jesus His yes. He was not willing to go where his feet could not wander. He was not willing to trust Jesus. I am not saying you have to sell everything. But, you do have to that sold out on God. What if God DID ask you to sell all your possessions; would you? So, are you willing let the Spirit lead you even if it means treading water a bit. Even if it means looking crazy. Even if it means giving up things that you don’t want to give up. So, maybe next time you sing this song take a second before actually singing these words and make sure you are actually willing to let the Spirit lead. Make sure you are willing to go where your feet could not on their own. Make sure you are willing to trust God without any boarders. If we KNOW Him we will TRUST Him.

So, really press in. Press in to truly KNOW God. To truly begin to trust in Him to the point of throwing caution to the wind and going anywhere He leads.

If we KNOW Him we will TRUST Him

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